Infectious Disease
epub |eng | 2011-11-06 | Author:William Rosen [Rosen, William]

Genes are so central to life as we know it that some evolutionary biologists, Richard Dawkins most prominently, are sometimes quoted as saying that organisms are nothing more than vehicles ...
( Category: Infectious Disease July 21,2020 )
epub |eng | | Author:Michael C. Carroll

Dear Doctor Callis: Our thoughts return to 1953 and the local turmoil over the decision to locate the Laboratory at Plum Island off Orient Point. The representatives from USDA were ...
( Category: Microbiology July 20,2020 )
epub |eng | | Author:Gilles Clément

Charles JB, Bungo MW, Fortner GW (1994) Cardiopulmonary function. In: Space Physiology and Medicine. Nicogossian AE, Huntoon CL, Pool SL (eds) Philadelphia, PA: Lea & Febiger, Chapter 14 Churchill SE ...
( Category: Astronautics & Space Flight July 11,2020 )
mobi |eng | 2019-06-09 | Author:Kate William

The same scenario is also being played out for the Haemophilus Influenzae Type B (Hib) vaccine, with studies in Brazil showing that while Hib infections had decreased, other strains of ...
( Category: Infectious Disease July 9,2020 )
epub |eng | 2020-04-30 | Author:Anversa, David [Anversa, David]

Cholera Pandemic Cholera is an acute diarrheal disease which is caused by a bacterium called Vibrio cholera. The disease has existed for a long time. The origin of the disease ...
( Category: Infectious Disease July 5,2020 )
epub |eng | 2018-11-30 | Author:B. Brett Finlay

Menopausal Microbes Given the significant changes in the vaginal environment during menopause, it is not surprising to see more direct changes in menopausal and post-menopausal vaginal microbiomes—though unlike premenopausal vaginal ...
( Category: Microbiology July 4,2020 )
epub |eng | 2018-07-14 | Author:Mary Holland

Source: see note 34 above. Earlier we discussed the differences between ingesting and injecting aluminum and how ingested aluminum clears the body in a very different, quicker way than injected ...
( Category: Pathology July 4,2020 )
azw3, epub |eng | 2020-04-22 | Author:Sonia Shah

SEVEN THE CURE Finding out how cholera spread and how to stop it was a matter of great urgency for every part of nineteenth-century society affected by the disease, but ...
( Category: Infectious Disease July 4,2020 )
epub |eng | | Author:John S. Mackenzie, Martyn Jeggo, Peter Daszak & Juergen A. Richt

2.3.2 Laboratory Services and Diagnosis Laboratory capacity building in support of diagnosis, and subsequently in the further characterization of viruses, has been a markedly successful aspect of the Indonesian response ...
( Category: Microbiology July 3,2020 )
epub |eng | | Author:Sadhana Sagar & Shilpa Kaistha & Amar Jyoti Das & Rajesh Kumar

Recently, a new class of recombination has been observed in which only one insertion sequence is required for the mobilization of genetic element (Toleman et al. 2006), such mobile elements ...
( Category: Infectious Disease July 2,2020 )
epub |eng | | Author:Gabriela Hrckova & Samuel Velebny

Proteosynthesis and proteolysis in the worms are highly regulated and inter-connected processes and genistein was able to induce the alterations in the free amino acid pool and ammonia levels in ...
( Category: Infectious Disease July 1,2020 )
epub |eng | | Author:Monica Florin-Christensen & Leonhard Schnittger

As shown in Fig. 9.2, Babesia merozoites share with other eukaryotic cells the presence of membranous organelles, such as nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum (ER), Golgi apparatus, and mitochondria. In addition, as ...
( Category: Infectious Disease July 1,2020 )
epub |eng | 2020-06-15 | Author:David Waltner-Toews

( 11 ) RATS, BATS, AND MONKEYS: LASSA, EBOLA, AND MARBURG HEMORRHAGIC FEVERS: the name says it all, and it conjures up many of our darkest fears. These diseases all, ...
( Category: Epidemiology June 30,2020 )
epub |eng | | Author:Piero Manfredi & Alberto D'Onofrio

(8) where q is the expected time until recovery (calculated as 1 ∕ P i, z , where ). The intrinsic growth rate, r, can be calculated assuming an initial ...
( Category: Infectious Disease June 30,2020 )
epub |eng | | Author:David V. McQueen

Lang, T., & Rayner, G. (2012). Ecological public health: The 21st century’s big idea? An essay. BMJ. doi:10.1136/bmj.e5466. Larned, M. (2010). The big question: What is the most pressing health ...
( Category: Infectious Disease June 27,2020 )